Dance USA acton alert: Ask Congress to include the dance community in Covid-19 relief

Dance USA say the impact of COVID-19 is variable and rapidly changing. As Congress and the Administration consider new forms of federal economic assistance that may be targeted or widespread, the dance field joins others in the arts and nonprofit sectors that are speaking up to ensure that relief will meet all community needs. 


  • In the interest of public health and in compliance with local health advisories, many dance performances, educational offerings, and other public events are being canceled.
  • Dance organizations, individual artists, and independent arts professionals are vital contributors to the nonprofit sector and important to the economy of the communities they serve.
  • The tremendous unexpected loss of earned income and declines in charitable contributions is beginning to come into focus and will grow over time.
  • Federal relief in response to COVID-19 should ensure that the needs of the entire nonprofit arts community are addressed.


Whether you choose to take action through their online campaign to Congress, or you opt to weigh in directly with local district staff, Dance USA urge you to be as specific as you can about the current and projected impact you are experiencing from COVID-19. The state that Congress needs to hear from as many constituents as possible that COVID-19 relief should be made accessible to the entire nonprofit arts community.


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