2013 Pasadena Dance Festival
Lineage Dance Company will present the 6th Annual Pasadena Dance Festival on April 22-27, 2013.
Held at the Lineage Performing Arts Center in beautiful Old Pasadena and culminating at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium on Saturday, April 27, the festival brings together dancers and choreographers from across the region and the various dance disciplines.
The event will offer an array of performances, dance classes and workshops for all ages from novice through advanced levels. Proceeds help fund the Lineage Performing Arts Center, whose outreach programs and specialty classes include Dancing with Parkinsons, Dancing Through Cancer and Dance for kids with Down Syndrome. The full list of festival events will be posted in February.
Applications are now available for professional dance companies, emerging professional choreographers, student choreographers and master teachers to take part in the festival. Applications are now available at www.lineagedance.org/festival. For specific questions, email pasadenadancefestival@gmail.com with subject line “2013 pdf performer or teacher app question.”
Lineage Dance is dedicated to raising support and awareness for other nonprofit organizations and to making the arts accessible to all. This project is made possible in part by the Pasadena Arts & Culture Commission and the City of Pasadena Cultural Affairs Division.
For general inquiries, visit www.lineagedance.org.
Photo: Dancers performing in the 5th Annual Pasadena Dance Festival in 2012. Photo by Steve Hwan.