Ballet Hispánico School of Dance’s ELEVATE! Summer Dance Boot Camp
Ballet Hispánico School of Dance announces ELEVATE! Summer Dance Boot Camp, one-week intensive for dancers of all levels taking place July 29-August 2, 2024. Registration is open until July 15. Ballet Hispánico offers world-class teachers with an unparalleled passion for dance education and various options for children and young artists to improve technique. With no audition required, the intensive is ideal for beginner to advanced dancers ages 7-18.
As America’s leading Latino dance organization, Ballet Hispánico’s unique ELEVATE! Summer Dance Boot Camp, one-week intensive for dancers of all levels that want to elevate their ballet and Spanish Dance training. With targeted classes this program allows dancers to improve specific elements of their technique, such as Braceo, Marcajes, Footwork, and Castanets for Spanish Dance, and allegro, Pre-Pointe/Pointe and artistry for ballet. Additional classes may include Stretch, Conditioning, and Modern.
Classes include:
Stretch & Conditioning – Dancers will be guided through stretching and conditioning exercises that support a dancer’s flexibility, strength, and overall fitness. Information about injury prevention and tools to maintain their physical readiness in support of their dance training will be taught throughout the course.
Modern – Classes focus on developing core dance principles, such as balance and coordination, while exploring diverse movement concepts. The curriculum includes spinal articulation, floorwork, movement dynamics, use of weight, and complex rhythms, building students who are adaptable to the contemporary landscape.
Sevillanas, Braceo, and Marcajes – Students will learn various coplas of the Spanish folk dance, Sevillanas, including its history and festive tradition of Feria de Sevilla. This class will give students the opportunity to focus on strengthening the execution and precision of their marcaje and braceo technique for Spanish Dance.
Footwork and Castanets for Spanish Dance – Spanish dance forms have been the backbone of the Ballet Hispánico School of Dance since its founding in the early 1970s. This class will give students the opportunity to focus on strengthening the execution and precision of their footwork & castanets technique for Spanish Dance.
Ballet and Pre-Pointe/Pointe – Students are introduced to a ballet curriculum that enables them to develop a holistic understanding of technical skills in a disciplined yet nurturing environment. Our ballet program emphasizes plasticity and virtuosity to create proficient and powerful dancers. Students will develop their pointe technique through strengthening and conditioning exercises specifically for pointe work. The class can be taken in both flat ballet shoes and pointe shoes, and will focus on developing the students’ knowledge and execution of pre-pointe/pointe fundamentals.
For more information and to register, visit https://www.ballethispanico.org/school/summer-programs/elevate.
The Ballet Hispánico School of Dance is a leading center of excellence in dance education—serving over 1,000 students and celebrating more than 50 years of dance and culture—and offers accessible, high-quality dance training to students of all levels ages 2 through adult. Accredited by the National Association of Schools of Dance, it empowers students by offering a holistic approach to movement discovery, including pre-professional training and classes for the novice dancer.
Ballet Hispanico School of Dance ELEVATE!, Photo credit Ballet Hispanico School of Dance