DailyDanceWear: Presenting Nile Baker

Nile Baker modeling his daily dancewearSometimes our favorite clothing for dance wasn’t originally intended for the studio, and the ultra-fashionable Nile Baker gives an excellent example why. Baker is a freelance New York City-based contemporary dancer who performs with various companies large and small, including the world-famous Metropolitan Opera and the small, local troupe Rebecca Kelly Ballet (RKB.) 


Baker wore this outfit during his warm-up before filming a dance sequence for advertising guru Meagan Cignoli, who has taken Vine videos to a whole new level. His athletic pants give plenty of room for big movement while still providing a slim fit, and his boldly striped shirt is more than just a cool sports jersey.


“I got the shirt from my grandfather who lives in England. He likes sports teams and used to send me jerseys all the time, except they were all way too big for me. This one actually fit,” he explained. So it has fit, function and a whole lot of heart.


Why these two pieces? Baker answered, “Color and pattern are great but fit and material are most important.” Pants are a lot more lenient than the tights he used to have to wear in school so he is usually found wearing sweats, and he actually normally wears tank tops because… “I sweat a lot.” As for this jersey though, it has a button collar while most jerseys are tight in the neck, so it does a great job allowing his neck and skin to breathe. 


Check it out and tell us what outfits you love to wear! For more information on the Met, go to www.metopera.org. To learn more about RKB, visit www.rebeccakellyballet.com. To follow Meagan Cignoli’s Vine, head to https://vine.co/MeaganCignoli.


Image: Nile Baker modeling his dancewear. Photos by Leigh Schanfein.