Free online fundraising tool for dance studios

Storefront by CostumeManager.comEarlier this year, launched its Storefront Fundraising site, giving dance studios a free online fundraising tool to sell dancewear, shoes, accessories and costumes to their students.


As a dance industry pioneer, was created in 2007 by multi- studio owner Paul Henderson as a way to streamline the costuming process for his students. As the owner of eight Tiffany’s Dance Academy locations in California, Henderson founded out of sheer necessity. Now, after much success, he has created Storefront Fundraising, a first-of-its-kind website that allows users to create and manage their own online fundraising portals.


After discovering that most dance studios face a desperate cash flow problem during a handful of months every year, Henderson decided to help studio owners solve that problem. He realized that it was possible for studio owners to profit on the myriad of products their dancers were already buying somewhere else. 


Leotards, tights, shoes, skirts, warm-ups and accessories are worn in countless dance classes every day and with Storefront Fundraising, studios can yield additional profits to the studio, averaging $50 to $100 per dancer per season. 


Beta testers of the system have submitted glowing reviews, like Lindsey Kaplowitz, owner of Starpath Dance Academy in Cary, North Carolina, who used the site for eight months and generated enough profits to book “the biggest and best recital venue” for her dancers’ next recital. Other users were delighted to have some spare cash to get some much-needed updates done to their studios.’s Storefront Fundraising is made possible because of its superior technology based on And the process for signing up is easy. All studio owners need to do is create a free online account, browse the catalog and select desired products for students, then decide their retail price and promote the list to their dancers.


According to Henderson, if a studio owner uses Storefront’s pre-configured lists, they can have their Storefront online and selling within about 10 minutes. 


The best part? Once students purchase products, fulfills the order completely. The studio doesn’t have to do anything. packages each dancer’s purchases in their warehouse in California and then ships each dancer’s bundled packages to the studio for easy distribution.


For more information on this smart, simple, flexible, unique and trusted program, visit or call (877) 632-6234.