Global Water Dances
Dancing for Safe Water Everywhere
Global Water Dances is a world event planned for this Saturday, June 25. A 24 hour series of dances around the globe will be danced, centered around water issues. Beginning in the Western Pacific Rim, and encircling the globe, rolling westward through the time zones, the series of dances will also be broadcast online. These dances will use dance and music to blend local water issues with the global struggle to ensure safe water for all human beings.
Global Water Dances is a bold visionary artistic initiative focused on the critical need for safe drinking water. Already today, there are an estimated 5 million deaths per year globally from polluted water. By 2025, over half the world’s population will be facing water-related problems.
The initiators of Global Water Dances are an international network of dance and non-verbal communication experts, working with local choreographers around the world.
Global Water Dances will raise the awareness of participants and observers about the importance of water, and provide a model for empowering local communities to take action. The Global Water Dances event will bring local environmental experts and organizations, artists and members of the community together in a process that can build ongoing collaborations.
To watch online visit
Photo: Rehearsal of Section III in Vienna Austria (Choreographer, Brigitte Reepmaker)