Marblehead School of Ballet and North Shore Civic Ballet are Collecting Winter Coats and Pajamas for Needy
The Marblehead School of Ballet (MSB) and the North Shore Civic Ballet (NSCB) in Marblehead, Massachusetts are holding their third drive for winter coats and pajamas to help neighbors in need. The drive runs through Saturday, December 10. With Massachusetts ranked sixth in the country for the most homeless people, helping neighbors in need get through the cold winter is paramount.
The coats will be given to Anton’s Cleaners to clean and afterward, they will be donated to Coats for Kids and Families Partners Distribution Network. New pajamas are also being collected for children, 0 to six years of age, which will be given to Lynn Economic Opportunity.
“For 51 years, the Marblehead School of Ballet has been an active member of the community. We thank everyone for supporting us all these years. During the fall and winter seasons, we ask the public to think of people less fortunate by donating a gently used or new winter coat for people of all ages or new pajamas for children,” said Paula K. Shiff, Director of MSB.
“The North Shore Civic Ballet wants to lessen the difficulties some families may experience at this time of year. We are building upon the success of our past drives and invite others to join us in this year’s collection by donating new or gently used winter coats for people of all ages and new pajamas for children, ages 0 to six, this year,” said Rosemary Grant, member, North Shore Civic Ballet board of trustees.
Donations of new or gently used warm winter coats for children and adults, without broken zippers, rips, tears, or stains, are welcome and. Anton’s Cleaners will clean the coats free-of-charge. The cleaned garments will be distributed through the Coats for Kids and Families Partners Distribution Network to a range of organizations, including Massachusetts Community Action Programs, Salvation Army, Women’s Lunch Place, DCF, and Catholic Charities.
The new pajamas will be given to Lynn Economic Opportunity, a nonprofit in Lynn, Massachusetts to give to children in need. This agency is one of the largest providers of early education and care in southern Essex County, working with children and families.
Bring your winter coats or pajamas to the dance studio, located at 115 Pleasant Street in Marblehead, Massachusetts until Saturday, December 10. Supporters of the drive must contact the school at 781-631-6262 or e-mail first to arrange a date and time to drop off donations.