Two dance moms publish guidebook

Dance Mom Survival GuideTwo dance moms recently published a self-described “guidebook” titled Dance Mom Survival Guide. A humorous and helpful endeavor written to parents of dancers, the book’s authors, Malena Lott and Jill Martin, talked to dance professors, a psychologist, instructors and dance moms across the country to bring the stage lights directly on the difficulties and joys of raising a dancer.


Officially published in mid-March and now available in paperback and digital form through Amazon and Barnes & Noble, Dance Mom Survival Guide covers topics such as the role of a dance mom, the healthy dancer, time and financial investment, dance manners and how to deal with mistakes. The book even delves into the world of camps, conventions and competitions, while offering funny anecdotes and helpful tips. It also offers resources for dance moms including a list of things to do in various cities where conventions and competitions are often held.


Written by Lott and Martin, who are still in the throes of raising their dancer-daughters, the book seeks to speak directly to fellow dance moms with dancers of all ages and stages. It offers firsthand information to help on the journey from dance class to stage star.


Lott said, “Jill and I decided to write an advice book because we were constantly asking each other – and dance moms who are way more experienced than us – these issues posed in the book. Our first years with company dance daughters were a bit overwhelming.”


“We’re sitting on our hineys right along with you, and proudly chauffeuring and cheering our dancers on. We swear it’s not as dramatic as the reality TV shows, but the emotions are real and the time is intensive. This book is meant to be both humorous and helpful.”


To read an excerpt from the book, click here. To order or to learn more about the authors, visit