Peridance Showcases for the NYC APAP Conference

 New York’s Peridance Capezio Center will present four performances in two different programs during the 2012 Association of Performing Arts Presenters Conference (APAP) in its Salvatore Capezio Theater. These performances will take place on January 7 and 8. Peridance will be presenting 22 exciting choreographers/dance companies, including the Peridance Contemporary Dance Company, to the APAP conference attendees, helping them gain national and international exposure and connecting them to presenters and agents.


In addition to these performances, Peridance will offer the participating artists presence and exposure opportunities via its Booth at APAP, for the duration of the Conference at the Hilton Hotel.

APAP provides a unique and encompassing opportunity for artists to showcase their work in a platform that will put them in contact with arts presenters from around the globe. The APAP conference brings together over 3,500 arts presenters, agencies, and managers who attend showings around the city, in search of artists to bring to their venues.


Choreographers interested in being presented by Peridance at the Salvatore Capezio Theater are required to complete an online application form by October 15th, 2011.


Fo more information visit