Talia Favia releases stunning video

A Breakup Story - DanceOnThis week, Los Angeles-based choreographer Talia Favia released a new video entitled “A Breakup Story” featuring two dancers performing to breakout singer/songwriter James Bay’s “Let it Go.” Known as the creator/artistic director of LIV Dance and the 2014 Capezio A.C.E. Awards Winner, Favia recently garnered even more acclaim when her work was chosen to be featured on the So You Think You Can Dance finale. Now Favia’s latest video is garnering lots of attention, with nearly 15,000 views on YouTube within 24 hours.


“A Breakup Story” is performed by Madonna principal lead dancer Chaz Buzan and Courtney Schwartz. It is a self-described “chill-inducing mix of heartfelt emotion.” Raw and earnest, it scoops up viewers with exceptional camera work and intimate surroundings.


According to DanceOn, the video is the premiere episode of ARTIST REQUEST, a weekly series produced, directed and edited by T.Milly Productions that pairs emerging music artists with industry-leading choreographers and dancers.


James Bay is an English singer, songwriter and guitarist. His new album, Chaos and the Calm, is available now and reached number one in the U.K. charts. The recent winner of this year’s GQ “Breakthrough Solo Artist” award, Bay was paired with Favia, a dancemaker whose work has been described as “challenging from the inside out.” See their video collaboration below.


Still courtesy of DanceOn.