Step Up 2 Dance Tour kicks off Feb. 7

Step Up 2 Dance 2015 TourDirected by Carol Wallace, Step Up 2 Dance is an inspiring, upbeat and fun dance competition. Founded in 1988, the competition’s mission is the same now as it was then – to offer dance schools a quality event in which they can bring their students to help them foster a deeper love and commitment to dance.


The competition is currently gearing up for its 2015 Born2Dance Tour. This tour will kick off in Arizona on February 7. Then it will head to various locations across Connecticut, Florida, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey and Rhode Island.


With Step Up 2 Dance, students of all ability levels can enjoy a rewarding, positive experience in an exciting atmosphere, designed to develop confidence and further skills.


To participants’ and studio owners’ relief, Step Up 2 Dance limits each competition to one day and only allows a certain amount of entries, therefore ensuring the event concludes at a reasonable hour. Unlike other competitions, students and their families won’t have to sit through numerous days of performances.


Plus, all competitors receive recognition! Every act is awarded a quality trophy.


For more information on Step Up 2 Dance or the 2015 Born2Dance Tour, visit