Wonderbound presents ‘Industrial Project’

WonderboundAlthough the 2012-2013 Wonderbound season has come to a close, the dance artists at Wonderbound are still working hard – and for a good cause.


On Saturday and Sunday, May 4 and 5, Wonderbound artists will present the 4th annual installment of Industrial Project — a program of innovative dance works produced and performed entirely by the dancers, with all proceeds benefiting The Artist Resource Fund.


“The Wonderbound artists will turn their new glorious urban habitat into a dance lab of mad scientists, creating a frenzy of twisting, unfurling and intertwining movement,” said Sarah Tallman and Julie King, Wonderbound dance artists.


“The community will have the chance to see the dancers up close and personal as they unearth beautiful chaos in the middle of downtown Denver.”


The performances – the first public shows in the new Wonderbound space – will take place Saturday, May 4 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, May 5 at 2 p.m., at 1075 Park Avenue West in Denver. Appetizers and libations will be provided. There is a $10 suggested donation that will go to fund future Industrial Projects as well as The Artist Resource Fund.


The Artist Resource Fund is created by the dancers for the dancers to leave a legacy in the heart of downtown. This fund is solely for the purpose of aiding artists as they transition out of performing careers and on to other related ventures.


Wonderbound, a re-imaging of Ballet Nouveau Colorado’s professional dance company, focuses on unearthing the true possibilities that lie within everyone. For more information and updates, visit the Industrial Project Facebook page at www.facebook.com/IndustrialProject.


Photo: Candice Bergeron and Brandon Freeman of Wonderbound dancing in Garrett Ammon’s Perpetual Beauty. Photo by Amanda Tipton, courtesy of Wonderbound.